Detailed guidance for Plan implementation is provided through the policies and actions for the five citywide planning systems (Chapter 3), general and place-specific land uses (Chapter 4), and the Conestoga Riverfront (Chapter 5). While policies and actions are both needed to successfully implement the plan, the latter will yield the most tangible, demonstrable results. The actions identified in Chapters 3 to 5 can be grouped into five broad categories:
- Capital Investment: This category involves capital expenditures and budgetary allocations to develop public facilities and services. Expenditures on buildings, infrastructure, land, and other tangible items are identified in the capital improvements program (CIP). The CIP should align with the goals and priorities set by the Comprehensive Plan.
- Planning: This category involves the preparation of more detailed plans and technical studies needed to implement the Comprehensive Plan. It includes new plans and studies as well as updates to existing ones.
- Partnerships: This category involves working with external agencies, organizations, and jurisdictions to implement Comprehensive Plan policies and actions. The City has a robust network of existing partners such as the Lancaster City Alliance, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster County Community Foundation, Lancaster County, and adjacent jurisdictions. Partnerships are a powerful way to leverage resources for plan implementation. It should be noted that the other action types listed here also may involve partnerships.
- Program: This category involves coordinated efforts that support a defined mission and achieve tangible results. It includes existing programs and new programs identified by the Plan’s actions. Programs are typically ongoing but may have a designated end date.
- Regulations: This category involves revising or developing new ordinances, codes, standards, or incentives to implement Plan policies. Actions involving revisions to Zoning and the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance are most effectively implemented through a coordinated update process.
An Action Table (Table 6-1) has been developed to help City staff manage Comprehensive Plan implementation. The Table provides a complete list of all actions contained in the Plan. The Action Table also can be used by City officials as they evaluate budget priorities and programs. It is also intended to be a helpful tool for the public, since it communicates priorities, timing, and responsibilities for carrying out the Plan.
Information for each action is presented in columns to the right of the action title. This includes:
- Action Type (planning, capital investment, partnership, program, and/or regulations)
- Lead Agency (typically within City government)
- Primary Partner(s) (external agency/organization/jurisdiction, if applicable)
- Timeframe (short-term, mid-term, long-term)
This information will be updated and augmented over time as individual actions move forward.
Timeframes are approximate and subject to change based on implementation progress, changing conditions, and new priorities or opportunities (for example, funding availability). In general, “short-term” denotes actions to be completed within two years of Plan adoption, mid-term denotes three to five years from Plan adoption, and long-term denotes six to ten years from Plan adoption.