The place-based policies should be used in concert with the Economic Development Policy Map (Figure 4-3). As noted in Section 4.3, that map identifies specific commercial corridors, hubs, and land use change areas. The policies below provide guidance for individual areas and may be referenced as projects in each area are proposed.
Policy PB–1: Main Street Commercial Corridors
Continue to direct resources to areas designated as Main Street Commercial Corridors on the Economic Development Policy Map. These correspond to the Building on Strength Corridors, plus North Plum Street. Higher density land development on these corridors is appropriate and should “step down” to nearby residential areas. Private investment on Main Street Commercial Corridors may be paired with public investments, such as infrastructure or streetscape improvements, as needed.
Policy PB–2: Downtown
Continue to position Downtown as the economic engine of Lancaster City and the metro region. Promote a range of complimentary land uses, building forms, and activities. Incentivize density to create a critical mass of goods and services. Make Downtown a distinct place that is safe, comfortable, and enjoyable for all people.
Policy PB–3: Northwest Gateway
Partner with landowners to craft a vision and small area plan that creates a high-density, mixed-use, and walkable neighborhood in the Northwest Gateway area. Ensure cohesion between the stadium district and adjacent institutional properties owned by Franklin & Marshall College and Lancaster General Hospital. Establish a sensible street grid to promote good urban form and connections between uses. Ground floor commercial uses should leverage opportunities created by the stadium, while upper floors should add vitality by including housing.
Policy PB– 4: Train Station Area
Develop the Lancaster Train Station Area as a cohesive and well-designed urban gateway neighborhood. Development should connect the station to local transportation modes while accommodating a diverse mix of residents, housing, and businesses that are compatible with and supportive of increased transit ridership. Continue working with Lancaster County Planning and Manheim Township to implement the 2023 Train Station Small Area Plan, including creating an Implementation Committee, amending development regulations for intermunicipal consistency, and aligning funding tools.
Policy PB–5: Burle Business Park Site
Work with the landowner to develop a mixed use vision for Burle Business Park. Future development should include new residential and Light Industry & Innovation land uses. Create a site plan and design that enables a high-quality living environment that co-exists with commercial and industrial uses. The site has the potential to extend successful development along New Holland Avenue and connect with the Grandview Heights neighborhood to the west. Regulations should remain flexible to adapt to changing market demands.
Policy PB–6: East End Neighborhood and Prison Site
Create a small area plan for the East End, including options for redevelopment of the prison site. The Plan should close gaps in the existing neighborhood fabric and maximize Reservoir Park as a community anchor. Integrate neighborhood-serving commercial uses, such as a grocer or food market, into new development. Although prison buildings and structures may ultimately be removed, the history of the neighborhood should be commemorated in ways that reflect input from the surrounding community.
Policy PB–7: Sunnyside Peninsula
Prioritize partnerships, projects, and land use regulations that advance the vision for Sunnyside Peninsula as a nature and recreation preserve on the north and an ecologically sensitive residential area on the south. Central to this vision is reinvestment in the infrastructure serving the existing low-density households near S. Duke Street and the protection and management of natural lands along the Conestoga River and in the northern part of the peninsula.
See Policies CRF 4.3 and CRF 4.4 and Actions 4.3A, 4.3B, and 4.3C detailing further direction at Sunnyside.
Policy PB–8: South Duke and Chesapeake Streets
Support the continued growth of mixed commercial and residential uses as the South Duke area emerges as a community hub. Make safe and attractive pedestrian and bicycle connections to new housing, County park, and future riverfront amenities. Explore stronger ties to nearby workforce development programs, including programs at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology and Tec Centro and job opportunities along the South Duke corridor.
Policy PB–9: Engleside
Establish land use regulations and capital plans that support the vision for Engleside as a dense, mixed-use riverfront neighborhood. Engleside should serve as a crossroads for the southern quadrants of the city and capitalize on the relatively large scale of buildings, parcels, and infrastructure. Safe and inviting connections to the riverfront should be developed to create a special place that melds the area’s unique natural and commercial assets.
See Policy CRF 4.1 and Action CRF 4.1A detailing further direction at Engleside.
Policy PB–10: Manor Street South
Invest in the revitalization of the southern end of Manor Street. Encourage business growth in this area that serves the immediate community, accompanied by upper floor residential units where feasible. Beautify the hub area, attract economic interest, and instill a sense of pride through strategies such as streetscape and building façade improvements, and renovation of vacant properties. Create safe and vibrant pedestrian connections to the park and shopping centers just south of the city.
Policy PB–11: Park City Mall Site
Work with the owner(s) of the Park City Mall properties to create a detailed vision and site plan for the next generation of development at this important regional hub. Given that the land area at this site is nearly as large as Downtown Lancaster, any plan should include housing and aim to create a vibrant walkable place with a mix of uses. Development ideas could include a medium to high density town center and/or the phased integration of multifamily buildings with larger commercial stores. No significant land development changes should occur until a plan for this area has been completed.